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I know how young changemakers, teachers and caring citizens succeed in making “creating a good world for all” part of learning culture at school, and in their daily lives – changing lives, laws and industries at record scale.
And now, I am bringing all this knowledge and a global network of badass hero*ine friends to YOU, your city, and the schools of the planet – to join, support and implement these solutions and tricks for creating the world we wish to see, for making life at school awesome, and even life at work – together with today’s hero*ines!
90+% of youth agree “this should be at all schools”, and you may too.
So, check out the gems at offer, use them, learn to spark magic, and let’s team up!
Here is what I know
They are implemented by ordinary people (not governments or billionaires, those are greedy, uneducated, visionless egoists) of kind genius acting as youth leaders, social entrepreneurs, citizen groups and city councils. Their solutions are so impactful, and their character is so splendid that they are showered with awards, celebrated in media, recognized as hero*ines and ultimate role models, booked as speakers at schools, and their stories are read out at bedtime. And this tells us – if they can, if their school can, if their city council can, if those teens can – then everybody everywhere can. Many of those solutions have already spread to thousands of places, to national level. And if you envision a tapestry of 100+ solutions implemented in your home city and region, the vision of the new good civilization manifests, common sense, down to Earth, available right now. People just need to know of these myriads of solution, get inspired, comprehend the simple steps, and get a little support on demand.
That is what I know. That is what I want.
I also see how youth leadership at schools is the ultra high impact gamechanger for upgrading an entire generation. And I see how with teenage changemakers at the centre, also adult generations can get activated for able, active, caring citizenship and upgrading their professions. That is what I want.
It’s not only what I want, but truly, it is humanity’s grand unifying dream – a good world for all – and if you think about it, we can make it happen. Focus on your region. That’s where stuff happens. Team up with other regions. That’s how stuff happens globally.
Have a good look at what I have to show you. And follow my guidance. It gives you a running start with flying banners. And then, freestyle, and pick resources and support from a big global stack as it fits your moment.
Now back to me, so you get an idea how I can help you achieve your dreams for people and planet.
At am Indian school, they ask new students: “Why have you come to this planet at this special time?”
I want to see real big planetary change.
And that’s why I had to come up with quite a few things to help everybody make it happen.
I want that all kids today grow up with teen hero spirit of Youth We Can, with access to solutions, action and support. Activating today’s young and adult generations, requires to make hero*ine spirit omni-present in homes, schools, workplaces, public spaces and media.
- Hence I create various media formats for different uses, user groups and settings.

I know how schools of all types succeed + how youth, teachers and citizens have made ‘creating a good world for all’ part of learning culture at thousands of schools in North America, with ripple effects in their communities.
- I provide resources, guidance and partners to fill common methods we all use – classroom subjects, student clubs, projects and partnerships – with hero*ine role models, solutions, ‘live’-meets, ‘high impact* projects with WORLD CLASS CHANGEMAKERS. If teens at 1,000s of schools can do it, youth everywhere can.
It strongly upgrades learning culture, responds to needs in escalating crisis, boosts intrinsic motivation, empowers students’ self-organized learning, and has huge impact on people, planet and the citizenry. Without need for extra time, training or finance.

I have really GOOD NEWS on youth leadership, active citizens, social entrepreneurship, positive news and good governance. My huge knowledge, solutions, tools and tricks allow me to tune to specific topics, local challenges, respond to the moment and jam with your group.
- I don’t leave people alone or empty-handed. Everything I speak about can be instantly applied in action, in one’s home territory’s and abroad.
- I can bring in more hero*ine speakers to events, add music, workshops, media work, charity FUNdraisers…
- I love working with schools, and staying in touch with you and inspired changemaker student clubs, to support your project ideas, team up for field partnerships, activate your region and make life at school awesome.
I offer materials to prepare on “youth leadership” or specific causes, so we have common ground, students can dream up burning questions, even take action before we meet.

on youth leadership, learning culture, positive news, social entrepreneurship, personal development …
- Youth love my workshops, week-long campuses, and sessions at school. I can help them make high impact changemaking part of their lives beyond their wildest dreams, like there hero peers.
- Young adult changemakers experience 1-on-1 conversations with me as rich in intuition, knowledge, guidance, feedback and healing, opening eyes, hearts, vision and doors.
- Citizens appreciate guidance on how to help the young generation in their cities, the resources, tutorials and volunteer community.
- Professionals – teachers, journalists, librarians, city councillors and civil society – value my guidance to achieve their shared CORE PURPOSE of empowering the young and an active citizenry, at their institution, but also for city, regional and inter/national campaigns
My focus coaching programs are
- crash course for groups; I guide, and train you to do it
- activate your city campaign; I guide or accompany
- training for adults : YL Volunteers, Key Professionals
- Positive Change Media Culture; for schools, journalists
- Change Generation RISING; year-round action program for global youth and adult allies in coop with hero*ines
- YL Summer Warrior Camp; for youth in CG RISING
+ I have casual online meet-ups, too

Empowering the Change Generation, schools, citizens and key professionals to scale sustainability solutions, make youth leadership, positive news part of daily life and upgrading society requires quite a few support programs. Since no one’s doing it right, I set out to do it.
The good thing about ERIC doing all of this is
- all programs are interconnected
- all connect today’s Einsteins, Gandhis and Gryffindores with youth, schools, caring citizens and professionals
- it is in service to youth, hero*ines and users
- it is rewarding and fun for everyone involved
- it is all in badass sacred warrior spirit

serving the public, schools, journalists, changemakers … a positive news magazine on solutions, changemakers, tools, telling the story of the rise of the Change Generation, in real-time, fit for schools and public, with many ways to get involved and getting one’s actions featured.
serves inspired adults : a co-creative crowdfunding community that
- boosts global teen and twen hero*ines
- boosts local youth leadership
seeing impacts unfold, meeting hero*ines live, bringing in own ideas, teaming up for projects.
serves inspired youth : it is a year-round training and learning program that all inspired folks can join to unfold their powers to the max, equipped with 400+ actions of 100+ hero*ines, and backed by a powerful, like-hearted global tribe.
YL at School
serving teachers, students, parents and cities : makes youth leadership omni-present part of daily life and learning culture, in class, on school grounds, in the community and local media.
serving schools and events : outstanding young and adult changemakers, global experts and YL Staff via skype and onsite, with resources to prepare, study, and take action.
serving caring citizens : turn your spirit into action, empower the young generation and evoke considerable changes, equipped with many tools, backed by supportive community.
- Local YL Volunteers
- YL Online Volunteers
At this time, personal donations or recurring donations via Patreon are swift ways to set me free.