“What’s your take on … ?”
Q&A with your Neighbor
on issues that bug us all.
Be Part !
Got serious questions on big and small stuff that matters and need your head, heart and hands sorted out?
Are you stuck in some local or ideological cage that doesn’t feel good and like the whole story?
Drop a quick note. No guarantee that I have time to respond, or that the matter or thought intrigues me, but once you send it off, a conversation and answers are likely to appear on your mind that can lead to the clarifying answer that is right for you right now at this time on your path. And that’s what you really need, right? If I throw in my 5 pennies, it may help, or it may help others wash their brains a bit, too.
Take Action!
Think for yourself, but don’t sit in your own broth and don’t make things up.
Have meaningful conversations, but don’t gossip, and don’t waste your lifetime.
Live your dreams, follow common sense, your heart and intuition, live non-violence, but be firm, protect vital boundaries from sickos and vampires.
Don’t take things personal … everybody’s processing intense emotions now, to become conscious and sort things out, what life one likes. Hint : it’s inner and outer peace, bliss and abundance.
Staying centred is key to a light mind : a hot rock on the river, walking, forest bathing, hiking, “meditations” and sacred practices of all sorts help. Browse Russell Brand’s video clips on “recovery” since summer 2018-2019. Lots of gold in there!
Did I mention this elsewhere? Boost youth leadership in every way. It brings great bliss to one’s life.
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